Advertising Information

Prime Space
Our home page space available to 40 advertisers on a yearly contract basis. Also includes front page space on our sister Classified Site. Prime Space Ads will appear on every listed page in our Classified Site. Cost $5.00 per day or $1,825.00 per year, per site.
Classified Site
Our Classified Site provides customers the ability to build a one page photo ad for up to one year free of charge. Along with their free ad comes a free web address that can be published in other media such as magazines, email, newspapers, etc.

Listit Classifieds has been published since 2008 and currently has thousands of users and over 21,000 ads. Pick two catagories that best describe your property and you are now ready to build a beautiful, full color ad.
If you do not have computer skills or are not comfortable working on the Internet, contact us for our low-cost, ad building service.
Link Page Advertising
Our Link Page Advertising provides advertisers the ability to feature a one paragraph ad along with links to their respective website or email address. Cost $99 per year.